___________ night vision technology is currently what the United States Military uses. The Financial Readiness Program's mission is to provide financial literacy training and education, personal financial counseling and Information & Referral services to assist Service Members and Families in developing skills and strategies to fulfill their financial obligations, meet their financial goals and maintain their financial and mission Select all that apply. The ______ is the night vision standard for Prime BEEF and RED HORSE use. unenroll and reenroll after you fail pre test. Why do terrorists use a compartmented cell structure? Deployments have some really unique financial advantages and situations that need to be known before you go, not after. Security functions that must be performed for a physical security system to protect DoD assets include__________________. To protect cultural property during armed conflict. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 2) [objective7], A person found in an inappropriate location of the facility, A person expressing boredom with the US mission (correct), An "escort required" visitor found without an escort, A visitor showing an unusual interest in details of security procedures, 26) True or False: Room invasions are not a significant security issue for hotels located within the United States. A Security Classification Guide (SCG) is: (WRONG) An existing classified document, from which information is extracted, paraphrased, restated, and/or generated in a new form for inclusion in another document. Which of the following are examples of expedient perimeters barriers? If necessary, clean the night vision devices batter compartments contacts with a cotton swab, and. (Military Persons Exempt From Attack, pg. Delay of all civil court actions, such as bankruptcy, foreclosure or divorce proceedings. Pre-/Post-Deployment: A&FRCsoffer training and/or counseling for Airmen prior to, and upon return from deployment. Included materials are: financial, vehicle, and home information documents and Leave and Earnings Statement (LES): Each month, the servicemember will receive a LES showing their pay for the preceding month and any changes that will affect their pay for the current month. -Everything but being rurally based is incorrect, 25. (correct), Are terrorist groups in the area? Which of the following is an example of perfidy? 13. It provides Soldiers required training and resources to help avoid debt and create practical solutions . To allow for quick movement in the field, attachment brackets that connect from the sides of the helmet to the night vision devices are optional through the manufacturer. True (correct), 9) Aggregating unclassified information together will never make the information classified. For more on SCRA, see the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Overview, or contact your unit or installation legal assistance office. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 1), 11) What is NOT a physical security measure for your home? Disabling sickness or condition 8. They find it helpful to discuss the challenges of their jobs with each other. Marriage, Divorce, and New Child Financial Readiness Training These each give you NET 6 months before and NLT 90 days after updating DEERS to complete the training. Which of the following is true about prisoners of war? Continuation pay Air Force leadership recognizes the importance of making sure our Airmen's time is used as efficiently as possible. Financial readiness can affect your ability to get the mission done, and taking care of your financial responsibilities is important to your resilience as an Airman. -The Commander uses a vulnerability assessment, -A vulnerability assessment should focus only on WMD, -Higher Headquarters vulnerability assessment, Some of the questions are interactive and are difficult to be put to text, just read the questions carefully and you should be able to guess through the last 5 or so. 11) Suspect actions of traffickers include recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining (and for sex trafficking patronizing or soliciting prostitution). Which is the primary source for derivative classification? Select all that apply. On your authorization, you estimated that you would have a taxi from the airport to get to your hotel. From pre-deployment to reintegration, Army Community Service supports commanders, Soldiers, civilians and Families throughout the deployment cycle by providing training, briefings and workshops. Keep these goals in mind moving forward. Agree. Understand your income and how it will change It's no secret that military pay is a bit more complicated than a typical nine-to-five day job, and when you deploy there are even more factors added to the mix. What is the purpose of the Geneva Conventions? Incorrect answer Is considered complete with the development of the TM. pre deployment financial readiness cbt. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 6) [objective17], 21) True or False: Surveillance can be performed through either stationary or mobile means. Where can you go to find out if a chemical is authorized on the aircraft? of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright's focus on resilience includes financial resilience. The cost per gross (144 items) is $132.48. 5G America3GPP29.pdf. Why must derivative classifiers use authorized sources of classification guidance only? Webinars are approximately one hour and provide tips, tools and resources to support the Navy lifestyle. Army Community Service (ACS) FRP teaches Soldiers in both classroom training & individual counseling sessions, how. Airmen who are considered inexperienced will need to log 40 hours of training, up from the previous expectation of 30 hours. (Introduction to Antiterrorism, Page 3) [objective1], Do terrorist groups attack Americans? Which of the following is not a goal of the military lending act (MLA), Cancels certain contracts and leases without any fees or penalties, Which of the following is not a benefit available under the service members civil relief act (SCRA), Foreclosure proceedings can be terminated without penalty. in service)* Constellis's Pre-Deployment Training Course was designed to make this process quick and efficient for deploying personnel. Marriage Our Expeditionary Courses equip Airmen prior to their deployment with basic cross-cultural competence skills via online training. Vests in Thrift Savings Plan Enforcement of this policy is vitally important to ________and is essential to the military's ________. (S) The process takes three hours to complete. 2) Prosecutable offenses under Article 134 of the UCMJ related to sex trafficking include prostitution, patronizing a prostitute, and pandering by compelling, inducing, enticing, or procuring an act of prostitution. Call: 06371-47-5100/DSN: 480-5100 January 3, 17,31 TAP: Pre-Separation If people have any questions, they can contact us.. 6) Trafficking in persons occurs for many reasons including: 7) At which point should you report a trafficking in persons situation? LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, M.I. Question: Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true? What is the principle of military necessity? Newsome said training for some of these touchpoints, including initial entry, first duty station, continuation pay, and transition to Reserve component, separation or retirement, are already in place and will not change. PRE-DEPLOYMENT: The pre-deployment phase begins upon assignment to a firm deployment tasking and ends when the Airman/Guardian departs home station. 4 of 8), The Law of War establishes: (The Law of War, pg. -Birth/Adoption of First Child* Questionable allegiance to the United States, through words or actions, to include involvement in, support of, training to commit, or advocacy of any act of sabotage, treason, or sedition. While you could drag and drop your airfare receipt into DTS, for this scenario attach it directly to the airfare. 12) You have a responsibility to report any trafficking in persons incidents you may witness, avoid establishments that show indicators of trafficking in persons, and report these establishments to your chain of command. What resource is needed and how it fits into the AT plan. in service) Question: Which is a reason for account suspension? False (correct), 11) If you hold a top secret clearance, you are required to report to the security office when you have a foreign roommate over 30 calendar days, a co-habitant, and when you get married. The CRC will ensure that all necessary training is conducted prior to deployment. *(C) Cpl Rice and Sgt Davis will both be attending the Jagged Edge exercise. Before deploying you should ensure that you have made arrangements for these payments to be taken care of. **Please bring or email Pre-deployment Financial Readiness Training CBT certificate from ADLS. The ________ is the night vision standard for Prime BEEF and RED HORSE use. (Treatment of Civilians, pg. A properly marked source document contains some Secret information. Mobilization & Deployment . -Makes it difficult to penetrate the entire organization, -Compromise or loss of one cell does not compromise the other cells. What is the best way to prevent water entrapment? Were hoping that short training events at these key points will help our people avoid the financial pitfalls that might be out there, she added. (Introduction to Antiterrorism, Page 4) [objective2], 13) Alerts from the National Terrorism Advisory System apply only to the United States and its possessions. (Lesson 3: Marijuana, page 3 of 9) [objective6], 4) Inhalant abuse can cause? (True), 4) In response to extremist behavior a commander may take which of the following Adverse Administrative Actions? 1. 29. You used your GTCC to pay for your meals on a recent TDY. Select all that apply. Answer - Cancel Rental Car, 7. 14. Tricare Dental Program users will get to choose from up to four insurance carriers under new rules to be in place by 2026. Which of the following are potential indicators of insider threat? 19) Which of the following are true statements about limited data sets? These expenses could include rent, mortgage payments, car payments, credit cards, etc. They offer a variety of classes for the Family Readiness Group (FRG) to include Leader, Key Caller, Treasurer and CARE Team . True or False? -Arrival at First Duty Station Provide readiness and deployment support to all members of a Marine's family- those that they were born into, sworn into and married into. True (correct), 3) Which of the following are required markings on all classified documents? A terrorist threat level is_____________. Why might a potential captor take a victim hostage? Have the right to forward the challenge to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP). Main Menu. (google the answer to see if it matches. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 2) [objective10], 19) Which one of these is a possible indicator of a suspicious letter or package? (Enemy Property, pg. Which expenses must Mike split disburse to the travel card vendor when he submits his voucher? You need to land in Los Angeles, CA, no later that 11:00AM to make sure you are on time for an afternoon meeting. Which of the following is an ATM responsible for? Cleared contractor employees are subject to sanctions for violating any policies in the: National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). 16) Which of the following would be considered PHI? -Initial Entry Which of the following methodology factors did the DoD take into account A (select all that apply), 37. When Law enforcement arrives you should (select all that apply) (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 4) [objective9], 11) Home security can be improved with self-help measures like changing locks, securing windows, and improving outdoor lighting. True or False? This is an example of the concept of _____, The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called ________. 1) Children, including the children of military members, may be targets for traffickers online, at schools, or in neighborhoods. ELO: Know how to update coverage under TRICARE. Answer - Add, Type to Filter, Other Expenses, Baggage - First Checked Bag, Add (Options Should be highlighted), 13. Units will often offer a class on reading an LES for both the servicemember and spouse prior to a long-term deployment. (unit cohesion and morale; ability to accomplish its mission), 6) Which of the following activities are prohibited in DoDI 1235.06 when conducted in support of organizations that advocate supremacist, extremist, or criminal gang doctrine, ideology, or causes? The principle that requires military commanders to weigh the expected military advantage against the expected harm to civilians or civilian objects when planning attacks. There are many details that need to be taken care of in a short period of time. Lubrication -------------------------- Answer. A dirty bomb________________. Deployment: Financial Preparation Military.com Being financially prepared is a big part of overall Family Readiness. What is the principle of proportionality? (correct), How sophisticated are terrorist groups? Initial entry training What happens in someone's off time is his or her business. Every Friday Reintegration 1500-1600 Virtual Required for returning deployers.
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